Weisstein, Eric W.'Gaussian Integral'.'Introduction to integral discriminants'. ^ 'Reference for Multidimensional Gaussian Integral'.^ a b 'The Probability Integral' (PDF).'Integration in Finite Terms with Special Functions: the Error Function'. 'The History of the Normal Distribution' (PDF). These integrals turn up in subjects such as quantum field theory.
The n + p = 0 mod 2 requirement is because the integral from â��â�� to 0 contributes a factor of (â�∡) n+ p/2 to each term, while the integral from 0 to +â�� contributes a factor of 1/2 to each term.
Since the exponential function is greater than 0 for all real numbers, it then follows that the integral taken over the square's incircle must be less than I(a)2